"If your heart is broken, you'll find God right there; if you're kicked in the gut,
he'll help you catch your breath." Psalm 34:18 The Message
Broken: having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order.
(of a person) having given up all hope; despairing.
It seems no matter who we are and how much we love Jesus, there's still a broken area in
our lives that God is still working on. I said to my wife recently, "Do you know
anyone in the Body of Christ including us who's not broken in some area of their lives?
Do you know anyone who is normal?" She said, "Bill, normal is the setting on
the dryer downstairs."
I'm In Your Brokenness
I sense an urgent cry from God's heart. "Wait no longer. I'm in your brokenness.
When things didn't go the way you planned and I didn't answer the way you thought I
would. So broken, you felt like a bird with out wings. But I'm still here and you are
under My wings.. Would you do Me a favor? Spread your broken wings one more time. Give
me one more chance. See what I can do for I am breathing on your brokenness. Can you feel
My breath? I've waited for you to cry to Me. Only Me. Let Me be your dream now and I will
take you to My dream that I have for you. Try it. One more time. Spread your broken wings
and see where they will take you. I will be the wind that carries you above the storms,
pain and sorrow. It's your time to defy gravity. At first it may hurt again but it will
not harm you now. You will laugh again, dance again and love again. Spread your broken
wings and make history."
Did Our Brokenness Come To Define Us?
Nothing is wasted in the hands of our Redeemer. All things work together for our good to
those who love the Lord. Even our pain, disappointments and things that don't make sense.
Could it be that we've tasted brokenness in order to relate to a broken world and to have
our heart break for it?
Can you feel them? Broken hearts, broken dreams, broken hopes, and broken bones. Maybe we
should take a year and weep with those that weep. There must be an ocean of tears
somewhere bottled by God's hand ready to be redeemed. Lord, let this be the year. And let
us find you. Where our dream that's coming true is You. So we can get over ourselves and
heal a broken, dying world. Begin with me. Weep through me over Jerusalem .Weep though me
for the lost. I wonder when we stand before You if we will regret that we didn't weep
more on earth. Not for ourselves or for the things that didn't work out. But for those
who didn't make it there with us. For we will have all eternity to rejoice and be glad.
"Lord, is that tear in my eye mine or yours?"
A Year To Hear Tears Falling
"I'm opening the ears of My people to hear tears falling this year. You will hear
tears splashing, hitting the ground so hard that they will erode mountains and make
rivers out of deserts. If you run from them they will pursue you until you can hear
nothing else. As the prophet Elijah told the widow to go borrow many vessels, I hear the
Father saying, "Go borrow many bottles for there will be more tears than there are
bottles on the earth. Tears from orphans pounding against gross darkness screaming,
"Can anyone hear me?" You will hear widows plead in the night for their cruse
of oil not to fail. Children imprisoned in sex trafficking with no more tears left to
cry, staring into outer space. A tearless generation robbed of their emotions. Older
people in rest homes weeping for the younger generations, that they might learn from
their long life of taking the road less traveled by. "Is not wisdom found among the
aged? Does not long life bring understanding?" Job 12:12 You may need to visit them
to hear their heart cry."
Perhaps when we weep with those who weep our brokenness begins to heal and our broken
wings want to fly again to those whose weeping is greater than our own. Our broken wings
must fly not for our own sake but for God's sake. I saw a little bird recently flying
high in the sky with strong winds blowing against it. I said to the Lord, "How can
that small bird fly against those fierce winds?" The Lord said, "They were
born that way. They were created to fly in winds of adversity. And so are you."
Have the violent winds of life knocked you down? Have you forgotten that you were born
to fly in spite of them? They were blowing hard against you to go higher in God. Are you
wondering where your wings are? They are beginning to grow now. By faith begin to stretch
them. You can do it. Hear the tears of others falling. They need you now. Go ahead.
Stretch your broken wings and change history.
Bill Yount
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Friday, November 7, 2014
Healing Blessings
My annual heart check up was yesterday. When the nurse asked me what medicines I take, I said, "Just a baby aspirin at night." She said, "Lord, have mercy!" I said, "You just prayed my prayer concerning my heart." She couldn't believe that I wasn't on any statin for many years.
My heart specialist checked me over good and said, "Whatever you are doing, keep it up." So I will continue to eat oatmeal for breakfast, exercise and deny myself of greasy foods that I would love to eat. I will keep standing on God's word that He spoke to me when I was in the emergency room thirteen years ago with a blood clot in the artery of my heart. "I will restore health unto you and heal all your wounds." Jeremiah 30:17 Please know that your prayers not only bless my ministry but they keep me alive. Thank you so much.
I believe this healing scripture is for many others today.
Lord, have mercy.
My heart specialist checked me over good and said, "Whatever you are doing, keep it up." So I will continue to eat oatmeal for breakfast, exercise and deny myself of greasy foods that I would love to eat. I will keep standing on God's word that He spoke to me when I was in the emergency room thirteen years ago with a blood clot in the artery of my heart. "I will restore health unto you and heal all your wounds." Jeremiah 30:17 Please know that your prayers not only bless my ministry but they keep me alive. Thank you so much.
I believe this healing scripture is for many others today.
Lord, have mercy.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Releasing The Winds Of Change
Free Worship CD Download And Live Event!
We Will Begin Airing This One Hour Free Broadcast On Monday, October 27th At 7:30pm For 48 Hours Exclusively On: http://www.SpiritFuel.me/
A Free Worship CD Download titled "Heaven's Songs" will be given away to everyone during the broadcast. Get ready to experience an interactive time of intimate worship and prophetic release recorded live from Maryland and broadcast exclusively via the Spirit Fuel platform. This event has never been released anywhere before and we are excited to bring it to you for free.
We Will Begin Airing This One Hour Free Broadcast On Monday, October 27th At 7:30pm For 48 Hours Exclusively On: http://www.SpiritFuel.me/
A Free Worship CD Download titled "Heaven's Songs" will be given away to everyone during the broadcast. Get ready to experience an interactive time of intimate worship and prophetic release recorded live from Maryland and broadcast exclusively via the Spirit Fuel platform. This event has never been released anywhere before and we are excited to bring it to you for free.
Crank your speakers, and shut out the world for a moment of worship. Share the experience! Gather your friends, and the whole family together for this powerful moment of impartation. Tell your friends on Facebook, make a few phone calls, or forward this email to a friend. You will not want to miss this!
During this event, worship leader Thomas Griffin and team, will prophetically release the winds of change in your life, declaring earth's alignment with heaven in every situation and circumstance. At the sound of the shofar during this time, representing the breath of God being released to give new life to marriages, finances, relationships, passion and hunger in your personal lives and churches alike. Stirring up deep deep wells.
During this event, worship leader Thomas Griffin and team, will prophetically release the winds of change in your life, declaring earth's alignment with heaven in every situation and circumstance. At the sound of the shofar during this time, representing the breath of God being released to give new life to marriages, finances, relationships, passion and hunger in your personal lives and churches alike. Stirring up deep deep wells.
From worship leader Thomas Griffin:
“ I cannot wait to hear of the testimonies of change from this time in God's presence together. Never before have I released a declaration like this on video and I know its the right time. I believe the anointing and presence of God will be carried right through your speakers and computer screens and bring into your lives GOD SIZED CHANGES in GOD-SPEED! Make no mistake though, this is not just a time of receiving but of giving yourselves to intimate worship to touch God's own heart together. So lets do it! Lets go into the secret place together and embrace this wind of change that God wants to release into our lives for the glory of one!
I also want to sow a very special project into your lives during the broadcast. This last season God directed me to write an album of songs that are written around His promises. Each song has a correlating scripture and there is power in that because His word cannot return void. This is not your typical worship CD. At moments, I literally felt Jesus singing through me over us His people. "
“ I cannot wait to hear of the testimonies of change from this time in God's presence together. Never before have I released a declaration like this on video and I know its the right time. I believe the anointing and presence of God will be carried right through your speakers and computer screens and bring into your lives GOD SIZED CHANGES in GOD-SPEED! Make no mistake though, this is not just a time of receiving but of giving yourselves to intimate worship to touch God's own heart together. So lets do it! Lets go into the secret place together and embrace this wind of change that God wants to release into our lives for the glory of one!
I also want to sow a very special project into your lives during the broadcast. This last season God directed me to write an album of songs that are written around His promises. Each song has a correlating scripture and there is power in that because His word cannot return void. This is not your typical worship CD. At moments, I literally felt Jesus singing through me over us His people. "
Saturday, August 16, 2014
The Statue of Liberty Changing Her Apparel
The Statue of Liberty Changing Her Apparel
I saw the abbreviation of the state of New York --N.Y. lighting up standing for "NOW YESHUA". It was as though Yeshua was coming 3-D Technicolor to New York City! I saw in the Spirit a huge tallit (prayer shawl) coming down over the shoulders of the Statue of Liberty. The Lord says, "the prayer shawl over her shoulders represents the intercession for America and Israel. I then saw the hand of God replacing the torch with a shofar!
The Lord says, "the Spirit of Liberty that seems dead within this woman is being resurrected and up out of her inner most being will come forth the breath of God and this lady will blow the shofar and the blast of Liberty will be sounded and heard in the land bringing a release to America and touching Israel at the same time!" It's not over. A powerful remnant is rising!
If you would like to continue reading this word, please visit www.SpiritFuel.me
Bill Yount
I saw the abbreviation of the state of New York --N.Y. lighting up standing for "NOW YESHUA". It was as though Yeshua was coming 3-D Technicolor to New York City! I saw in the Spirit a huge tallit (prayer shawl) coming down over the shoulders of the Statue of Liberty. The Lord says, "the prayer shawl over her shoulders represents the intercession for America and Israel. I then saw the hand of God replacing the torch with a shofar!
The Lord says, "the Spirit of Liberty that seems dead within this woman is being resurrected and up out of her inner most being will come forth the breath of God and this lady will blow the shofar and the blast of Liberty will be sounded and heard in the land bringing a release to America and touching Israel at the same time!" It's not over. A powerful remnant is rising!
If you would like to continue reading this word, please visit www.SpiritFuel.me
Bill Yount
Friday, June 20, 2014
Forgotten Seeds Are Being Awakened
In the Spirit I heard a sound I have never heard before. It's a sound from seeds that God had planted through us that have died inside the stony hearts of many people. There had been a long season when these seeds were not heard from. They were silenced by death. But in spite of death these seeds were beginning to groan as though death itself could no longer keep them. Even seeds of dreams that had died were now making a noise. The very life of Christ within these seeds was overcoming death. It's as though these seeds were shouting...."Our season of death is over!"
If you would like to read more articles that I have written, they can be found on www.spiritfuel.me.
Bill Yount
Friday, June 13, 2014
Short Note From Bill Yount
Dear Friends,
If you would like a signed copy of my books, I Heard Heaven Proclaim & Prophetic Stones of Remembrance, they are now available at www.SpiritFueled.com.
Bill Yount
If you would like a signed copy of my books, I Heard Heaven Proclaim & Prophetic Stones of Remembrance, they are now available at www.SpiritFueled.com.
Bill Yount
Monday, June 9, 2014
A Season Of Wondering, "Have I Lost Jesus Somewhere?"
We all have those times when we wonder, "Have I lost Jesus somewhere?" Even Jesus' own parents, Mary and Joseph, lost Him for three whole days and couldn't find Him. "But they, supposing him to have been in the company, went a day's journey; and they sought him among their kinsfolk and acquaintances but He wasn't there." Luke 2:44 What a shock especially for Mary to have birthed the treasure of the world and wonder where He was. "And it came to pass, that, after three days, they found him in the temple." Luke 2:46 At twelve years of age He was about His Father's business to save you and me. It's easy to lose Jesus in a crowded world. If it seems you have lost Him, be encouraged. He is about to make His grand entrance into your life. But you may have to take a journey.
Come Away
When God says, "Come away, My Beloved," a million "Likes" on Facebook won't satisfy. You crave to see His face. And it doesn't matter then if your favorite sports team wins or loses, for the things of this world grow strangely dim. People will say, "That was one of the best messages I've ever heard." but you felt nothing. And you were the speaker. When He bids you come, your fingers numb and your passion to write dies. You can do nothing without Him. We live by faith and not by sight or feelings, but sooner or later, if His presence doesn't return, you will check your pulse wondering, "Did I lose Jesus somewhere?"
But He Keeps Calling. And You Keep Seeking.
Your hunger grows. You eat off other people's plates during church now. Someone whispers after the service, "I didn't get a thing out of that pastor's message." You tell them, "It's because I got it all. I was so hungry I ate off your plate!" Unfamiliar scriptures come alive. "To the hungry soul every bitter thing tastes sweet." Proverbs 27:7 You get so hungry for God, you eat giants. They become your nourishment. They come for only one reason: to strengthen you. For you are on a quest to find God again. On the way the ravens feed you ---- people you thought God could never use are the ones keeping you alive now. With eyes straining, you start seeing God in everyone. He puts something you need in the person you don't like. Surprisingly, it's now your enemy telling you where your next meal is. And you love him for it.
Your stomach growls. Like the four lepers in Samaria in the time of famine, you're starving. "And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate of Samaria: and they said one to another, Why sit we here until we die? If we say, We will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there: and if we sit still here, we die also. Now therefore come, and let us fall unto the host of the Syrians: if they save us alive, we shall live; and if they kill us, we shall but die." 2 Kings 7:3,4
Rolling With The Gut Punches
You are convinced too. You'd rather die moving, than die sitting. Up until now you've never regretted taking a risk. Your only regret were the ones you didn't take and what might have been. You know well the leprosy of rejection. Your Christian life is made up of mostly perseverance and rolling with the gut punches. But you keep going. Your gut keeps telling you, "If you can drag your weary bones past hell's gate of rejection, you can roll the rest of the way into the arms of the One who can heal all your wounds. And you will feast on the Bread of Life."
Almost There
The journey becomes lonely when you get close to finding Him. Even leprous friends leave you. You no longer follow the crowds. You push through them. To touch His clothes would be enough now. Like the woman with an issue of blood for twelve years. You are sick of being sick and wonder what it's like to be well again. But where is He? You heard His schedule is to raise Jairus' dead daughter today. You wonder if you can stop Him on His way to make history with you. One touch from Him and you can live through anything.
The Lord is releasing His greatest hunger on earth this hour. "And I will shake all nations, and the 'desire' of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory," says the Lord of hosts. Haggai 2:7 That word desire means: to crave, hunger, to have a strong longing for. The shaking is making the stomachs of nations to growl. And ours too. I heard He satisfies people with an unsatisfied satisfaction. I don't know about you. But, "Would you pass me your plate, please?"
Bill Yount
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Shofars Summoned Into Battle…To Raise The Nations From The Dead!
Yes! Our battles today are with principalities and powers of darkness, but they are still battles!
“And the three hundred (of Gideon’s army) blew the trumpets (shofars), and the Lord set every man’s sword against his fellow, even throughout all the host (of the enemy): and the host fled to Bethshittah in Zererath, and to the border of Abelmeholah, unto Tabbath.” Judges 7:22
God is still calling forth the foolish things to use for His glory. If He can use you and me, He can use anything — and get away with it!
Most victories in times of war in the Old Testament came through unusual weapons ordered by the Lord. Samson with the jawbone of an ass slew a thousand Philistines! Israel marched around a city and took it with a shout! Jehoshaphat’s army was outnumbered like the sands of the seashore and He was led to put his loudest mouth singers on the very front line of battle. They began to sing praises as they marched into the enemy camp and God sent ambushments against the enemy to confuse them; and all the enemy were dead when the hymn-sing was over! They didn’t even get to fight in this battle!
I have been to an army base in Israel, recently. Their army still sings during their training drills . . . Devil beware! I must confess, if I was commanding these armies, “I wouldn’t have chosen these weapons . . . but God did!”
I believe the most terrifying sound in the enemy’s ears is the sound of the shofar! Every time a shofar blows, the devil doesn’t know whether it’s one of us or Gabriel himself blowing that last trump of God! When shofars are blown, they blow confusion into the enemy’s camp — every time!
I believe one of the reasons the Lord is calling forth the weapon of the shofar this hour is to send confusion into the camp of the enemy! Great fear and the terror of the Lord will be released upon him through this mighty, foolish weapon!
As I read how the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon and he blew a trumpet (shofar), I asked the Lord, “When the Spirit came upon Gideon and he blew a shofar, was that Gideon blowing or was that you?”
The Lord answered, “When Gideon blew his . . . I blew Mine!”
Many Jewish people believe that the trump of God in Heaven is not a Louis Armstrong-type trumpet, but a shofar (a rams horn — or His could be called a lamb’s horn).
I heard of the testimony of a man who died and went to heaven. He said he saw the shofar of God there. He said, “It is fifteen miles long!” When it is blown it will literally raise the dead down through every generation of time who believe in Jesus Christ the Messiah! I believe the Lord is raising up shofars this hour, getting us used to hearing their sound; for when Gabriel blows the Shofar of God, it will be the last sound out of here!
In 1995, I was invited to blow the shofar at an International Aglow Conference in Long Beach, California. Blowing the shofar was new to me. Before the conference in the hotel room, I thought I better practice blowing it. At the very first blow, in the Spirit I saw angels descending upon Long Beach and the whole region! I sensed the Lord saying, “Be careful, this baby is loaded! There is no need to practice with this weapon!”
I have learned that when a shofar is blown, it calls forth angelic armies into that region to fight against the powers of darkness, to take back that territory into God’s kingdom! When I blew the shofar at the conference, into nine thousand people, and had them shout the walls down inside of their households, divorces were cancelled, marriages were restored and even reports came in of missing children being found!
I wonder how God might organize a mass blowing of shofars from those who know they are called to blow one. I sense there are many who think that to blow a shofar isn’t for them. Let me ask you a question. “How do you know unless you blow one?”
I personally believe not everyone is called to blow the shofar. I will let that decision of blowing one be between you and the Lord.
When the Lord first called me to blow the shofar, He made one thing clear: “Bill, when you blow it, it will be Me blowing, because I live in you! By faith, I believe when I blow into one end of the shofar, the very breath of God comes out the other — because He lives in me! It’s all by faith that God is calling forth these foolish weapons again, this hour, in time of war!
I sense the Lord would have us to personally be led by Him when and where to blow in this season of war. I believe a good place to start is right at home. Let’s blow the confusion out of our own lives and families! And let the Lord lead you from there! You can stand right where you are and blow into a nation. There is no distance with the breath of God! He will lead us. Check in with Him for the details . . . all I know is God said, “Blow!”
Bill Yount
Yes! Our battles today are with principalities and powers of darkness, but they are still battles!
“And the three hundred (of Gideon’s army) blew the trumpets (shofars), and the Lord set every man’s sword against his fellow, even throughout all the host (of the enemy): and the host fled to Bethshittah in Zererath, and to the border of Abelmeholah, unto Tabbath.” Judges 7:22
God is still calling forth the foolish things to use for His glory. If He can use you and me, He can use anything — and get away with it!
Most victories in times of war in the Old Testament came through unusual weapons ordered by the Lord. Samson with the jawbone of an ass slew a thousand Philistines! Israel marched around a city and took it with a shout! Jehoshaphat’s army was outnumbered like the sands of the seashore and He was led to put his loudest mouth singers on the very front line of battle. They began to sing praises as they marched into the enemy camp and God sent ambushments against the enemy to confuse them; and all the enemy were dead when the hymn-sing was over! They didn’t even get to fight in this battle!
I have been to an army base in Israel, recently. Their army still sings during their training drills . . . Devil beware! I must confess, if I was commanding these armies, “I wouldn’t have chosen these weapons . . . but God did!”
I believe the most terrifying sound in the enemy’s ears is the sound of the shofar! Every time a shofar blows, the devil doesn’t know whether it’s one of us or Gabriel himself blowing that last trump of God! When shofars are blown, they blow confusion into the enemy’s camp — every time!
I believe one of the reasons the Lord is calling forth the weapon of the shofar this hour is to send confusion into the camp of the enemy! Great fear and the terror of the Lord will be released upon him through this mighty, foolish weapon!
As I read how the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon and he blew a trumpet (shofar), I asked the Lord, “When the Spirit came upon Gideon and he blew a shofar, was that Gideon blowing or was that you?”
The Lord answered, “When Gideon blew his . . . I blew Mine!”
Many Jewish people believe that the trump of God in Heaven is not a Louis Armstrong-type trumpet, but a shofar (a rams horn — or His could be called a lamb’s horn).
I heard of the testimony of a man who died and went to heaven. He said he saw the shofar of God there. He said, “It is fifteen miles long!” When it is blown it will literally raise the dead down through every generation of time who believe in Jesus Christ the Messiah! I believe the Lord is raising up shofars this hour, getting us used to hearing their sound; for when Gabriel blows the Shofar of God, it will be the last sound out of here!
In 1995, I was invited to blow the shofar at an International Aglow Conference in Long Beach, California. Blowing the shofar was new to me. Before the conference in the hotel room, I thought I better practice blowing it. At the very first blow, in the Spirit I saw angels descending upon Long Beach and the whole region! I sensed the Lord saying, “Be careful, this baby is loaded! There is no need to practice with this weapon!”
I have learned that when a shofar is blown, it calls forth angelic armies into that region to fight against the powers of darkness, to take back that territory into God’s kingdom! When I blew the shofar at the conference, into nine thousand people, and had them shout the walls down inside of their households, divorces were cancelled, marriages were restored and even reports came in of missing children being found!
I wonder how God might organize a mass blowing of shofars from those who know they are called to blow one. I sense there are many who think that to blow a shofar isn’t for them. Let me ask you a question. “How do you know unless you blow one?”
I personally believe not everyone is called to blow the shofar. I will let that decision of blowing one be between you and the Lord.
When the Lord first called me to blow the shofar, He made one thing clear: “Bill, when you blow it, it will be Me blowing, because I live in you! By faith, I believe when I blow into one end of the shofar, the very breath of God comes out the other — because He lives in me! It’s all by faith that God is calling forth these foolish weapons again, this hour, in time of war!
I sense the Lord would have us to personally be led by Him when and where to blow in this season of war. I believe a good place to start is right at home. Let’s blow the confusion out of our own lives and families! And let the Lord lead you from there! You can stand right where you are and blow into a nation. There is no distance with the breath of God! He will lead us. Check in with Him for the details . . . all I know is God said, “Blow!”
Bill Yount
Friday, March 7, 2014
Healing Runs In My Family
My mother, who will be ninety years old soon, has found the key to long life. Twice cancer couldn’t kill her. The first cancer spreading through her body, the doctors gave her five years to live. That was thirty-five years ago. At eighty-seven the second cancer died through surgery. They got it all with no chemo needed. Years ago doctors witnessed a tumor disappear on her thyroid before taking a biopsy.
Ten years ago doctors wanted to amputate her one foot. She told them, “Whenever I go to heaven, I’m taking my foot with me!” Later they changed their mind. She still has her foot and walks fine. Most doctors who told her she wouldn’t live long are gone and she is still here. Here is her famous prayer when she gets attacked. “Lord, if I get weak and sick, how am I going to help anybody and reach the lost?” That’s it! Then healing starts to attack her.
I’m still here too after surviving many close calls. Excuse me, I need to check my front door. Yep, the blood of Jesus is still there. “The winds may blow and the rains may fall, but it won’t just wash away.” ( song -The Blood Is Still There )
Dear friends,
If you enjoy reading these writings, you may also want to read my other articles and blog posts on Spirit Fuel. They are a Christian content network with the genre niche of the supernatural and prophetic as well as various types of Christ centered teaching, training, motivation and inspiration. The website address is: http://www.SpiritFuel.me
Bill Yount
Ten years ago doctors wanted to amputate her one foot. She told them, “Whenever I go to heaven, I’m taking my foot with me!” Later they changed their mind. She still has her foot and walks fine. Most doctors who told her she wouldn’t live long are gone and she is still here. Here is her famous prayer when she gets attacked. “Lord, if I get weak and sick, how am I going to help anybody and reach the lost?” That’s it! Then healing starts to attack her.
I’m still here too after surviving many close calls. Excuse me, I need to check my front door. Yep, the blood of Jesus is still there. “The winds may blow and the rains may fall, but it won’t just wash away.” ( song -The Blood Is Still There )
Dear friends,
If you enjoy reading these writings, you may also want to read my other articles and blog posts on Spirit Fuel. They are a Christian content network with the genre niche of the supernatural and prophetic as well as various types of Christ centered teaching, training, motivation and inspiration. The website address is: http://www.SpiritFuel.me
Bill Yount
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Tomato Salvation

When God Calls
When God calls He rarely considers our plans. Where He leads often makes no sense. When I want to stay, He says, "Go!" When I want to go, He says,"Stay!" The worst place on earth turns out to be perfect to advance His kingdom. And He never asks me what time it is when He says, "Go!"
Tomato Salvation
A husband and wife shared how they wanted to leave their small town in Texas. Darkness oppressed them. God said, "Stay and plant a church!" A woman, the town drunk, kept interrupting the services. She stomped her feet and gave mean looks. The pastor while preaching happened to mention how he loved tomatoes. The intoxicated woman with a loud voice spoke up. "Tomatoes? I grow tomatoes in my back yard. I will bring you some!"
The next service she brought the tomatoes. During the sermon she came under conviction and gave her life to the Lord. Instant deliverance! The whole town shook from the power of her testimony. Her drinking friends still ask her. "How long is this going to last?" She tells them. "Til Jesus comes and for all eternity. I am done with alcohol. I have no taste for it!" When God calls us to a certain place, it usually isn't for our sake but for someone else's.
God's Most Wanted List
When God calls it's time to tear up our list of people who we think are too far gone in sin and evil. Surprisingly, we find them on "God's Most Wanted List," where we used to be. If God saved you and me, He can save anybody. I believe when we see God face to face, we will realize we could have loved more and judged less.
Bill Yount
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
How To Become A Water Walker

What if the storm that threatens your life today has come to promote you? Have you considered walking on water? Jesus used a storm at sea to illustrate to His disciples a life lesson: ‘How to walk on stormy seas’. Only one out of twelve was listening. “The first thing that must take place is a strong enough storm that relentlessly batters your ship. The second event: ‘How to get your feet wet.’ And the grand finale: ‘Just do it!’ I will take over from there.” ( My paraphrase ) Matthew 22-33.
Once your toes touch the water, whatever was over your head is now under your feet. The storm has weakened. You have worn it out. You have outlasted it and are now up for promotion. The storm that came to destroy you had a spiritual upgrade attached. You now have a testimony with authority to storm the gates of hell. You have become the perfect storm in Satan’s kingdom. And there’s no water in hell for him to walk on!
A tourist guide accompanied tourists down a river in a canoe. They were enjoying the peaceful river when suddenly they hit a section of rapids that rocked the canoe severely. Panic struck the tourists. But one person sitting in the back stayed calm in spite of the fear. A frantic tourist asked the person. “Why aren’t you afraid of these rough rapids? He responded. “I know the tourist guide. He has been down this river many times before. Enjoy the rapids!”
Bill Yount
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