Tuesday, November 26, 2013

If I Had A Hammer

Your prayers work wonders for us. Right before our New Jersey ministry trip our car wouldn’t start. Triple A road service hit the starter with a hammer and it started right up. Being too late for a mechanic to put a new starter on our car, I asked a seasoned mechanic, “What should I do?” He said, “Take a hammer with you and if it doesn’t start, hit the starter with a hammer!” I said, ” Do you mean I am going to New Jersey by the way of a hammer?” The next morning we left and never had to use the hammer. The car kept starting for us. God spoke to me on the way. “I want to release a ‘hammer anointing’ throughout the state of New Jersey.”

I used the hammer in every meeting to hit some things that God wanted to start back up
that had stopped such as ministries and to start some new things for His kingdom. His
word like a hammer came down on injustice, generational curses, the political realm and
so many other things. His hammer struck so hard that I heard the Liberty Bell ring in
Philadelphia. The claw of the hammer was used to loosen things in the Spirit. God really
does use the foolish things for His glory. Who knows how far God’s hammer will travel
across this nation and around the world. Again your prayers did it. A precious brother
there put a new starter on our car as a gift from the Lord before we left. Thanks for
your prayers.


Bill Yount
