Friday, September 28, 2012

Calling In Our Kingdom Reserves In Time Of War!

The meaning of a reserve: "A fighting force kept uncommitted until strategic need arises. Often used in the plural. A part of a country's armed forces not on active duty but subject to call in an emergency."

"He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the munition, watch the way, make thy loins strong, fortify thy power mightily!" Nahum 2:1, KJV

The heavens are rumbling. Angels scramble urgently as their assignments are shouted out: "Alert my people to call in their kingdom reserves! Walls of prayer protection have been breached hindering the advancement of My kingdom! They must call in their reserves of 'intercessors' whom they have overlooked in the past but are urgently needed now."

Overlooked Intercessors Are Now Needed For Breakthrough!

Strong orders are being given to the Saints. Forgive every brother or sister who has wounded you. Be reconciled. Some were born to intercede for your life and ministry! Brothers and sisters holding offense against one another are hindering physical healing and spiritual advancement. Some whom they are refusing to forgive have the gift of healing for their bodies!

Overlooked Family Members Are Waiting In Reserve To Receive Their Call For Duty!

Overlooked family members, including children, grandchildren and the unsaved, will launch many of God's people into never-before-seen breakthroughs.

I know myself and others have humbled ourselves before unsaved loved ones by asking them to pray for us. They were at first shocked we would honor and respect them that much, but then the Holy Spirit hovered over them, causing them to seriously consider..."Maybe I ought to learn how to pray since I have been asked to.'" This knocked the walls down between the saved and unsaved. Many have experienced seeing unsaved loved ones pray themselves into God's Kingdom through this kind of prayer request.

Many Children Need To Phone Home To Their Parents To Call In Their Reserve Of Wisdom To Win Their War!

The older I get the more I realize my parents were right. My mother is still living at eighty eight years old. There is seldom a day goes by that I don't call her on the phone. Why? I am still learning much from her. I think that's why God keeps her living for my sake and others. She just had a cancer tumor removed from her stomach. She keeps outliving her doctors and diseases. Her wisdom is outlasting her enemies and mine, too.

If Married, Your Spouse Is Your Most Powerful Intercessor Waiting In Reserve!

I have many intercessors around the world praying for me and my ministry. One day God showed me prayers from intercessors rising to the Throne on my behalf. Then, all of a sudden, I saw my wife's prayer shooting upward like lightning, surpassing every other prayer on earth, reaching the Father's throne room instantly and getting immediate attention!

Don't ask your wife to pray "for" you but to pray "with" you. Agreement in prayer produces victories that can take place in no other way! Praying in the Spirit together especially gives you an intimacy that brings breakthroughs in the natural realm.

The Name Of Jesus Is Waiting In Reserve To Shatter Your Enemy To Pieces!

I sense many are overlooking the power that is in the name of Jesus, the Name above every name! Use it continually! When you just can't seem to pray . . . whisper the name of Jesus. The most powerful prayers in crises are the shortest. Just saying "Jesus" captures His attention and wreaks havoc in hell.

The Reserve Call For Ministries To Connect, Pray, And Flow Together In Battle!

Has the Lord called you to a ministry and then seemingly left planet earth? Does it seem like He is not paying attention to you and "your" individual ministry? The reason the Lord is not paying that much attention to "individual" ministries right now is because it isn't the season for individual ministries. God is seeing through corporate vision. He has the whole world in His heart. The best thing we can do is forget about ourselves and "our" ministry long enough to humble ourselves and prefer and esteem other ministries above our own, then reach out and connect with them to receive the corporate anointing He is releasing this hour.

Each of us need corporate power to be launched into our purpose! As ministries confess their weaknesses and pray one for another, healing will flow like mighty waterfalls!

Pull Out All The Stops And Call In Your Reserves Today . . . We Are In War!


Bill Yount


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Resources Are Coming--God Is Weaning Us From Old Resources And Bringing Us Into His Supernatural Supply

Philippians 4:19, "But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."

The Ringing of the Bell of Wall Street

I don't know much about Wall Street and the Stock Exchange, but I do remember throughout my school years when the bell would ring. It meant it was time for a recess. Recess for me was a powerful word, and it always brought a blessing to break away from the routine of things and be free to enjoy the time out. I sense the bell that is ringing on Wall Street could be a signal for God's people--that we are in for a "recess" not a recession! This is a recess from the way we are accustomed to having our needs met, and instead, we will have the opportunity to watch God take care of us, supernaturally, if need be.

I sense we are in a transition from "believing" in miracles to "living" in them! I sense the Father saying to the angels who dropped down the manna and fed two million of His children in the wilderness, "I believe they are now ready to live by faith!" I sense the Father saying to the Rock (Jesus) who followed His children throughout their wilderness journey, "I believe they are now ready to speak by faith to that rock, and watch living water gush out to quench their thirst instead of looking to the world to quench it!"

Clothes That Don't Wear Out

Deuteronomy 29:5, "I have led you forty years in the wilderness: your clothes have not worn out on you, and your shoes have not worn out on your feet!"

I am hesitant to say this, but I have a pair of black dress pants close to twenty years old that I still wear at times. Not just because I don't like to shop, but they just never seem to wear out! Have you noticed that your clothing and many other things seem to last longer than you thought they would? Get used to this, because I see this supernatural anointing falling upon our possessions, such as automobiles and appliances, as we serve the Lord in these last days. I also had a pair of wing tip dress shoes that lasted about the same time span. Apparently, Israel's clothing and shoes grew with them. That same anointing which caused millions of shoes to never wear out for forty years is still present. The soles of their shoes outlasted the best Michelin radial tire on the market today!

Financial Pruning In Sources We Have Trusted In

Not long ago we experienced a cutback in a specific missions budget. Immediately my flesh went into full gear, wondering why a source would cut our support. I was loading my ammunition of good reasons why they should not cut us. As I got ready to confront this issue, the Lord spoke, "Hold your peace! You are not being cut back, you are being pruned. Your cutback will bring forth financial increase from other sources, including Me!" I sense many are experiencing similar situations concerning their finances. We must keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. I sense He is weaning us from sources that we have gotten used to, and now He wants to prove even more that He is our Shepherd and we shall not lack!

God is bringing His people full circle. Full circle means "full where there is no lack." When Jesus sent His disciples out with no purse, script, or shoes to serve Him, He later asked them, "'Did you lack anything?' They said, 'No, nothing'" (Luke 22:35).

Godliness With Contentment Is Great Gain

1 Timothy 6:6-10, "But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content."

Have you ever been driven into your prayer closet by a great need, and you break into His presence where there is fullness of joy and you forgot what drove you in there? Once I said to the Lord, "Lord, I have forgotten what that great need was that drove me to You, since Your presence is overwhelming right now." He responded with, "Your greatest need is Me!"

Mercy to the Needy

As we enter more and more into His presence through much tribulation, we will come forth with more of His compassion for the poor and needy and will discover that there is greater joy in giving than in receiving. I believe in troubled times, we will be drawn more to "people" than things. Relationships will become more precious than gold and silver, and we may discover that less with God is really more. The answer to any economic shaking is written right on our money, "In God We Trust!"

Enjoy the recess!

 Bill Yount