Tuesday, June 30, 2015

I Heard The Lord Say, "I Weep For This World, Yet There's Excitement In My Tears."

I have been feeling overwhelmed at the exceedingly sinful course this world has taken. A collision course with something, somewhere. But during my worship time I heard the Lord say, "I'm excited!" I said, "Lord, what did you say?" He said, "I'm excited!" I said, "How could you be excited? All I see is chaos and gross darkness." He said, "I don't waste chaos. And I don't waste gross darkness. I use them."

"From your perspective the world looks like it's falling apart. From mine it's a grieving but wonderful sight. I see treasures in the darkness and greater treasures to come forth from the gross darkness. Weren't you praying for your light to shine brighter? Stay focused on Me and your light will increase to see the treasures I see."

 He then said, "Son, you are right. This world is on a collision course. It's on a collision course with the greatest outpouring of My Spirit. The earth is coming into its fullness for harvest. And for that, there's excitement in My tears."

Bill Yount

Friday, June 26, 2015

As Families Began Praying Together, I Heard The Heart Of America Begin To Beat Again!

The answer for our nation may not be far from home.

In the spirit, as I began to hear families praying together, I sensed the Father saying: "I can hear the heart of America beginning to beat again and I can feel its pulse!"

 I sense the real warfare over our nation is against the very core of any nation: the family! I have heard of many types of prayer alerts for our nation at this time, but I sense an urgent call from the throne room for "families to pray together at this critical time in our nation."

The decree that turned the nation of Israel back to God: "AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WE WILL SERVE THE LORD." Joshua 24:15.

As Joshua was declaring to the nation of Israel, to choose life or death, he was proclaiming the importance of not only his personal choice, but also his heart for his family.

I believe Joshua's heart for every father and mother was for them to decree that their families would serve the Lord also. Was he sensing the power that families hold in influencing the whole nation from being destroyed? He believed if God could save him, God could save his family. And if God could save his family, He could also save the whole nation!

Could it be since the garden of Eden that the enemy well knows that families hold the hidden power to destroy his kingdom and deliver whole nations? Is it any wonder why he unleashes hell upon families?

I know many of you have been praying for your family also. Yet I am sensing an urgent call, as parents, to not only pray for our children, but to build an altar and call the family members together - to pray 'with' them.

I sense our sons and daughters hold the keys to some of our own breakthroughs that we, as parents, desperately need at this time. And, as parents, we hold some keys to our sons and daughters healings and miracles that are needed as well.


Let's decree together: "As for me and my house and my nation, we will serve the Lord!"

Bill Yount

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Angels Were Conversing: "Earth Hasn't Seen Anything Yet!"

 As angels were shooting fiery arrows onto the earth, sidewalks and gutters in the streets
caught on fire as these arrows of deliverance began hitting the homeless and red light
districts of the world. Heaven's aim was precise.

Prison bars were melting and grave clothes were being burned off those held captive in
spiritual cemeteries. These fiery arrows then ricocheted and began piercing every
denomination and even so-called Spirit-filled churches.

Angels were conversing, "Earth hasn't seen anything yet!"

Bill Yount

Thursday, June 11, 2015

I Am Awakening Your Children And Grandchildren

The enemy is about to hear from our children and grandchildren beginning this season. Watch and expect the passion for Christ to run wild like a raging fire inside of them.

 The Lord has allowed them to be placed in strategic locations in the earth and even in some unusual places where we think they shouldn’t be. In prisons, homeless on the streets, or wherever they are being held in Satan’s grip.

They have now been divinely positioned to become a firebrand in God’s hand to ignite and explode like dynamite inside the camp of the enemy! This is why the enemy forever has fought against marriages. He feared concerning the Godly seed that was about to come upon the earth to do him in. And here they come!

“Your descendants will defeat their enemies.” Genesis 22:17 ( Message Bible )


Bill Yount